evillittlekitten Admin replied

461 weeks ago

[originally posted 01/14/2015 09:55AM]

Phoenix has babysealed for the last time! (Until the next reset?)

Shake a tail feather, y'all: Phoenix is DOWN.

Alas, though, our tankloot shitstreak continues:

Congrats to Soul for his genie pants!

And Indi for his shieldabs:

JK (sorta) – hooray for tank loot! And worth noting that as of this post, we've actually killed Phoenix a second time… And guess what we got?

Yup, that's right: Coronet of Fending and Tassets of Fending. Pardon me while I slit my wrists…

No, no, it's fine. Maybe they'll survive a few extra hits so Eric can continue pretending to be a DPS (since he's kinda given up on healing…)

Whatever - yay winning!

As you can see, a few of our members (so distraught to see tankloot again) peaced out early. That's OK, though, because I have a photographic memory:

Next Up…I won't tell you who. Because SPOILERS. JEEZ.

Time to l2p 4 rillz.
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